Your horoscope predictions for 2022 (2024)

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Your horoscope predictions for 2022 (1)

What would you do if you found yourself stuck in an empty room with no way out? Would you resist the discomfort or listen to what the barren walls are whispering to you? A little something from the Cancer guidance that applies to each one of us. If there’s anything the past few years have taught us it’s that uncertainty is the only thing that’s certain, and this theme is likely to continue in the new year. So, make friends with the discomfort, and allow yourself to be transformed by your circ*mstances. You’ll look back at 2022 as a defining year, one that laid the foundation for the rest of your life. So, what do the coming months have in store for each of the signs? Let’s jump in and find out. Remember, the guidance can be read as per your sun, moon or rising (Western or Vedic) depending on what you resonate with.

PS: We’ve included a crystal for each of you to help you power through the many changes.


This is what you have been manifesting, Aries: a sense of security and stability. A career graph that looks as promising as the dreams you’ve been dreaming since you set out on this path. But, there’s a catch, as there always is. Just when you settle into a routine, boredom threatens to get the better of you. There is a remedy for this malady, though, and it requires you to balance your professional commitments with something that sets your soul on fire like a form of martial arts you’ve been practicing or a book that has the potential to be a bestseller. On the personal front, it’s a ‘say yes’ kind of year. The social calendar is going to be more packed than it has been for a while. Opportunities to meet new people are going to be plenty too. So, if you’re single at any point, you definitely don’t want to sit around moping at home. For coupled rams, joy and harmony are indicated, as long as they can find a way to be honest with each other through and through. PS: With the Gods of Fertility smiling down at you, a pregnancy could be on the cards too.

Power crystal: Moonstone, a gift from the lunar goddess, promises to open the portal of love and eroticism in your life.


Benevolence is going to be your magic word as you step into a position of authority this year. There’s no shying away from your power, Taurus. There’s no shying away from the spotlight either. Your real test as a leader: the way you inspire others to live their truth by embodying yours. But, you can’t make your way to the top without understanding the intricacies of the game, can you now? So, don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty every now and then. Don’t be afraid to go that extra mile for the things you love. The rewards for your efforts will be magnificent, this you can be sure of. 2022 is going to be all kinds of magical on the love and romance front too. What is about to take place is inevitable. A story that was once written in the stars for you. The cards are indicating the presence of a power player, one who knows how to charm their way into your heart. Let go of the barriers, beautiful, as you allow yourself to trust the secret whispers of the Universe. You have the potential to create something long-term this time around.

Power crystal: There’s no force in the world that can come in your way when you believe in your own power. Making the tiger’s eye your ally on this journey will activate your go-getter.


Some of the greatest love stories ever told, spoke more about sacrifices than they did about romance as they perpetuated the idea that putting everything at stake for the beloved was indeed the highest form of love. Something tells us that this is the narrative you’re going to have to adopt in the coming year with regards to your family, your partner, and your community (not necessarily in that order). Your greatest reward: watching them thrive and come into who they were meant to be all long. Does that mean you’re going to be deprived of the romance, intimacy and bed pleasures that you take delight in? Anything but. Exploring your sensual nature and more is going to be a major part of your spiritual awakening in the coming months. When it comes to professional pursuits, you’ll find that your own ventures will bring you more joy than being a part of the system. So, continue to bring magic to the lives of those around you. Just make sure you’re not isolating yourself in the bargain. Getting a partner on board or setting up weekly catch-up sessions with the bestie are some of the ways in which you can ensure you’re bringing a little more lightness into your days.

Power crystal: If commitment, fidelity, and harmony are the qualities you want to bring into your life, harness that magic of aquamarine.


What would you do if you found yourself stuck in an empty room with no way out? Would you resist the discomfort, Cancer, or listen to what the barren walls are whispering to you? There’s no escaping the emptiness this year. It is only by looking inwards that you will find a way out. Yes, that means letting go of that false sense of security as well as the idea of who you are supposed to be. In the realm of relationships, you’re being warned against codependent partners and the tendency to make one person your entire world. Not that you need us to tell you how this love story eventually leads to doom and gloom. But, all is not lost, moon child. There is a silver lining here. Your professional pursuits promise to be a source of joy and fulfilment in the coming year. The cards are talking about climbing the ladder of success, assuming a position of power, and inspiring great changes in the world around you. Just remember to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground as you make your way to the mountaintop.

Power crystal: When it comes to clearing out outmoded patterns and enhancing your motivation and drive, yellow calcite reigns supreme.


What do you do when everything is in a state of disarray and nothing is going as per the plan? Do you continue to resist what you’re being shown or follow the path of least resistance? You’re being called to trust the signs, Leo. You are being called to become one with the rhythm and flow of the universe. So, pause and breathe, beautiful, as you prepare for the greatest transformation of your life. One way to do this is by eliminating the things that no longer serve you, including the unrealistic goals you have set for yourself. Single lions, you may find that love is eluding you too, especially in the first half of the year. The connections that do find their way into your life seem transient, fueling that sense of emptiness within. Coupled Leos, on the other hand, will find that they’re entering a cycle of bliss, harmony, and togetherness. You’ve done the work, baby! You’ve done the work. It is your commitment to transmuting the shadows that has brought you to this point in your existence.

Power crystal: Work with the iridescent opal to free yourself from the old wounds and the old patterns as you gently integrate the soul lessons.


Remember the cliché when ‘one door closes…’ as you enter the new year. The bad news is: things are unlikely to go according to your plan. The good news is: things are unlikely to go as per the plan. So, embrace the disillusionment as and when it arises for it is helping you align with your true path. This holds true for not just your personal, but your professional pursuits too. You are being prepared to fly, Virgo. You are being prepared to achieve the impossible. To embark upon a journey you didn’t feel ready to before. Yes, you will have to venture in the unknown without a roadmap, which will be exhilarating and intimidating all the same. Building a relationship with your killer instinct will help you navigate the many challenges that could potentially lie ahead. When in doubt, lean on your soul crew. Their perspective will bring you the clarity you need in times of confusion.

Power crystal: Pyrite, commonly known as ‘fool’s gold’, will provide you with both the confidence and the luck you need as you venture in the unknown.


It’s all coming up roses for you on the career front, Libra. You are where you are meant to be, and what a beautiful place that is! 2022 brings with itself the recognition you deserve, and an opportunity to build deeper connections with those you feel that creative chemistry with. A sure sign of your growth is that you’re able to find joy in the journey without being hung up on the destination. For some of you, this may be a time of assuming a leadership role too. Word of warning, though: your signature tact will *not* serve you well at this time. Learning to be assertive is what will help you earn the respect of your co-workers. The not-so-good news is that things on the romantic front are unlikely to look picture perfect. Karma could take its course with co-dependent relationships and lovers who threaten your freedom. Accept it all as a lesson that’s helping your soul ascend to the next level. As you do, remember who you are and what you deserve. You didn’t come here to ‘settle’, beautiful.

Power crystal: Sunstone will help you work through those limiting beliefs and step into your true power.


We all aspire for safety and security, Scorpio. It’s what helps us survive the tricky territories of the material realm. But, could our attachment to comfort become detrimental to our soul’s growth? Something to think about as you begin the new year. We’re not asking you to abandon the grand vision or run off into the forest with your bare essentials. We’re simply encouraging you to nurture your inherent wildness whilst you ascend the ladder of success. Yes, this will require you to step out of your comfort zone every now and then - a challenge that you’re prepared for at every level. When it comes to matters of the heart, you’ll find that highs are followed by lows and vice-versa. To expect every experience to be picture-perfect would be a tad bit unrealistic. So, take it all in your stride as you learn to honour the soul lessons. On the upside, travel is going to be a big theme and it could bring with it the opportunity for a holiday romance.

Power crystal: Work with the rainbow moonstone in order to embrace your spirit of adventure and access higher levels of consciousness,


We sense trouble in paradise, Sagittarius. The temptation to sign a deal with the devil, which could get you into trouble later. Word for the wise: stay true to yourself no matter what the circ*mstances. If this means coping with certain losses in the short run, so be it. As for those who have been in a dead-end job, this is a time to realign with your soul’s purpose. Remember, you were not sent here to be a part of the system. You were sent here to create a new reality in this time and space dimension. When it comes to love and romance, you may find yourself assessing the past and contemplating which of the narratives you want to take into the future with you. Stepping into the new will require you to let go of your attachment to the old self, a challenge that you are prepared to take on at every level. So, come into your own, beautiful, and reclaim the power that has always been inherent to you.

Power crystal: Lapis lazuli is a protective stone that will help you tap into your inner wisdom.


Every challenge is an opportunity to grow. Read that again, Capricorn. This year you may find that you are your partner on different pages about virtually everything, from the future of your relationship to the choice of cuisine. Being open and receptive is the only way to find a middle ground. So, be patient with yourself and the other. A good way to rekindle the passion is by remembering the magical moments such as that first kiss shared under the stars. Single Saturnians, be careful what you wish for. Now is *not* the time to enter into a long-term commitment with somebody you’ve known for only a few months. The start of the year may find you questioning your chosen career path as well. Observe the feeling come and go as you resist the urge to act on your impulses. Things will fall into place eventually, opening the door to brand new possibilities. PS: An increase in your income is also indicated, which could bring in that sense of security you’ve consistently been working towards.

Power crystal: The tangerine-hued citrine is known to bring with it a sense of joy and optimism into our lives.


Everything that you’ve worked on so far has brought you to this point in your existence. What’s about to unfold right now is the dance of destiny, and it will align you with your true path and purpose. Get ready to lead with love, Aquarius. Get ready to walk the path of greatness. Remember, approaching matters in the same way as you did in the past will yield the same results. So, adopt a beginner’s mindset as you enter the new year. Self-care is also going to be a big theme for you in 2022. Let tuning into your own needs, nurturing your body and honouring your cycles become a part of your spiritual practice. When it comes to love and romance, you’re being asked to step out of your comfort zone. Something tells us you’re likely to meet a partner with a lust for adventure and a spirit as wild as yours.

Power crystal: Work with the iridescent labradorite to expand your awareness and remember your inherent magic.


You’re operating from that saviour complex again. You’re romanticising the idea of putting the needs of another before your own. But, there’s no magic formula, Pisces. You can’t heal or fix another person. So, readjust your gaze as you begin to consciously invest in yourself. Coming into alignment with your truth is the only way to restore balance in your relationships. When it comes to your professional pursuits, you’re being asked to get real with yourself. What are the things that are and aren’t working for you? What are the parts of your narrative that you would like to take into the future with you? Revisit your vision board and make adjustments wherever necessary. Setting a strong intention for what you want to create will prove to be the first step on your journey towards greatness,

Power crystal: Amazonite will help you tap into your warrior spirit and make that metaphorical journey from fear to faith.

  • In this story
  • Aquarius
  • Aries
  • Cancer
  • Capricorn
  • Gemini
  • Leo
  • Libra
  • Pisces
  • Sagittarius
  • Scorpio
  • Taurus
  • Virgo

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Your horoscope predictions for 2022 (2024)


Which zodiac is luckiest in 2022? ›

Sagittarius is also one of the luckiest zodiac signs in 2022. In this year, Sade Sati will go away for the Sagittarius natives. Whatever problems you may be having for the last seven and a half years is likely to end.

What is the astrology prediction for 2022? ›

2022 is a year to align your goals and redefine your priorities. This year may bring you closer to your primal self and help you connect with nature. Investing in gold bonds at the beginning of the year may get you a good return sooner than you expect. Social gatherings at home may demand your presence.

What is the prediction for 2022 for Chinese horoscope? ›


The Tiger is the third animal in the Chinese zodiac and 2022 is going to be a year of quick changes and bold action. Known for powerful energy, ferocity and courage, the Tiger symbolizes strength, integrity and happiness.

How do horoscopes predict the future? ›

Astrology uses zodiac signs, the positions of stars and planets, and patterns in their movements to predict the future. Astrologers believe that eclipses and lunar phases can influence events. Personalized predictions are made using birth charts and current planetary movements.

Which zodiac is lucky in money? ›

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion. Sagittarians are often fortunate when it comes to money and opportunities, benefiting from their optimistic outlook and willingness to take risks.

Which zodiac is very lucky? ›

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance. Sagittarians are known for their optimistic outlook on life and their ability to adapt well and always land on their feet. They are also very good at taking advantage of certain opportunities and making the most of every situation.

What type of zodiac is 2022? ›

The Year of the Tiger is the third year in the 12-year Chinese lunar calendar. Each year is associated with one of five elements in addition to its animal sign. This is the Year of the Water Tiger. People born in 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 or 2022 belong to the Year of the Tiger.

What is the numerology prediction for 2022? ›

Number 6: Numerology Predictions For 2022

This can also be the year of learning new things. The income may increase, but so may your expenses. Those who work at a job may have a chance of a promotion. People who work in the industries like cosmetics, fashion, or jewellery, may gain profits.

What will 2022 be the year of? ›

The Chinese Zodiac, a system that has existed in Chinese culture for more than 2,000 years, dictates which animal represents a given year. The cycle repeats every 12 years, and 2022 is the Year of the Tiger.

Which Chinese zodiac is the luckiest? ›

Dragon years are definitely considered some of the most auspicious,” explains Yu Zhang, a teaching assistant professor of Chinese in the University of Colorado Boulder Department of Asian Languages and Civilizations.

What does the black water tiger symbolize? ›

The Chinese God of Wealth, Caishen, rides a Black Water Tiger, and as this is the year of the Black Water Tiger, this is an omen of good financial luck for the year to come. Caishen is always celebrated on Lunar New Year & there are Feng Shui traditions that welcome his energy into the home.

What is the prediction for the Year of the Tiger in 2022? ›

A baby born in the year of 2022 will be a Water Tiger. They're smart, humorous, and good at socializing. They usually have good luck in making money and have a strong ability to adapt to new things. For those born in previous cycles, they may be expected to face many challenges in the year of their birth sign.

Which horoscope is more accurate? ›

Essentially, there is no right or wrong way when it comes to horoscopes. Neither the sun sign nor the rising sign horoscope is inaccurate. But it may appear that way if you're unsure of which one to read.

How do you check your future? ›

10 Questions That Will Help You Discover Your Future
  1. What do you feel you do well? ...
  2. What challenges you in life? ...
  3. What do you like to do for fun? ...
  4. Who are the role models you look up to? ...
  5. What's at the top of your bucket list? ...
  6. What accomplishment has made you most proud? ...
  7. What's your favorite class or subject to study?

What does the Bible say about astrology? ›

Believing in the power and authority of astrology goes directly against biblical wisdom and Scripture clearly states that chasing after false gods is a sin (Matthew 24:24, 1 Corinthians 8:6, Exodus 20:3). There is no biblical evidence that God has given authority to the stars or astrologists.

Which month is lucky to be born? ›

A 2004 study revealed that people born in May consider themselves luckier than those born in other months. (The month considered the least lucky? October.)

Which zodiac is luckiest in 2024? ›

Aquarius. Aquarians, you are entering a time of transformation and growth in your love life. You will find yourself in a strong and meaningful relationship. Those who are single are likely to find a soulmate.

Which zodiac is lucky in love? ›

Libra, Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, and Leo attract romance. Libra's diplomacy, Pisces' intuition, Cancer's devotion, Taurus's reliability, and Leo's generosity and enthusiasm ensure enduring and passionate relationships.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.