Rezensionen Purple Punch Auto (Meinungen) (2024)

    VonM. M. Am 30/Aug/2024 :


    Anrede : Amazing
    Kommentare : They turned out exactly how they describedAmazing

    VonC. K. Am 31/Jul/2024 :


    Anrede : C.K.
    Kommentare : Super Pflanze, wunderschöne grünlila Farbe, meine erste Pflanze ist 40cm groß geworden und hat mir 26g gebracht. Nach der Trocknung und fementieren ein Beeriger Geruch und ein unglaublichen Geschmack. Es drückt gut im Kopf. Hab noch zwei in der Blüte bei 70cm. Freue mich und bin bisher sehr zufrieden.

    VonM. H. Am 17/Jul/2024 :


    Anrede : purple punch
    Kommentare : 3 zaden rechtstreeks in potgrond op balkon alle zaden binnen 5 dgn met kopje boven de grond staan buiten groeien als kool zelfs met maar 14 graden snachts buiten

    VonP. S. Am 02/Jul/2024 :


    Anrede : Klein aber fein
    Kommentare : Die Pflanze bleibt relativ kompakt, Ertrag ist ok für die Größe. ABER der Geschmack ist total abgefahren/lecker, und schön purple ist sie auch gegen Ende ;)

    VonA. M. Am 11/Jun/2024 :


    Anrede : A M
    Kommentare : Tolle Pflanze, schöne Genetik, wenig Purple, toller Geruch3 von 3 gekeimt

    VonE. P. Am 11/Jun/2024 :


    Anrede : Eddy_J
    Kommentare : Purple Punch AutoHaut dich einfach in die Couch :D

    VonJ. A. Am 04/Jun/2024 :


    Anrede : Best auto to date
    Kommentare : Have 5 plants going of different strains purple punch auto has surpassed them all in quality and growth. Buds are dense "rock solid" looking forward to smoking this one.

    VonM. V. Am 16/Mai/2024 :


    Anrede : Moe
    Kommentare : nice strong growth, amazing indica! I like it!

    VonN. E. Am 27/M�rz/2024 :


    Anrede : Niklas
    Kommentare : Top Samen, haben alle gekeimt. Hat spaß gemacht und Schmeckt

    VonJ. K. Am 07/M�rz/2024 :


    Anrede : Purple Punch
    Kommentare : Grew awesome. Love the colors. Buds are very dense and hard. Smells sweet. About 1 week from chop.

    VonE. M. Am 29/Feb/2024 :


    Anrede : Impressive
    Kommentare : Only at end of week 3 in coco coir, growing extremely fast on 24 hour light, massive leafs. General Hydro CocoTek newts pushed aggressively, topped end of week 2, LST at end of week 3. 5 plants in a 3x4 tent 3 Purple Punch 2 MilkyWay all doing excellent this far in. My 2nd indoor grow. Pretty sure these 5 will max out my tent into a forest. Stay tuned for the finale.....

    VonJ. D. Am 05/Feb/2024 :


    Anrede : Impressive!
    Kommentare : Big buds! Covered in trichomes. Purple colors. Beautiful! Looking forward to smoking this one.

    VonJ. B. Am 20/Nov/2023 :


    Anrede : 3 for 3
    Kommentare : All 3 seeds germinated, 2 by paper towel, one straight in soil. The seed that germinated in soil is the tallest measuring 18" in week 2 of flower and seems to be the most promising. All 3 plants have similar structure but size varies between the 3. (+/- 3 inches) Looking to have more information on flower development in a few weeks. Plants have great smell and have made things easy!

    VonR. U. Am 16/Okt/2023 :


    Anrede : Rasta french
    Kommentare : 3 sur 3 génétique magnifique pour ma premièreBonne odeur un aspect admirable avec une touche de couleur violette pour prévenir que la fin approcheJe recommande même au débutant

    VonD. Š. Am 09/Okt/2023 :


    Anrede : Amazing strain
    Kommentare : It grew very well and the effects are amazing,just what I was looking for

    VonA. A. Am 14/Jun/2023 :


    Anrede : G
    Kommentare : Leider ist von drei Samen nur einer gekeimt, auch der Gratissamen ist leider nicht gekeimt. Nach relativ einfachem Kontakt zum Kundensupport konnte das Problem allerdings recht schnell geklärt werden und es gab sogar eine Ersatzlieferung der nicht gekeimten Samen. Von diesen Samen sind alle gekeimt, eine Pflanze ist allerdings leider direkt kaputt gegangen.Das bei der ersten Lieferung 3 von 4 Samen nicht gekeimt sind war sehr enttäuschend, aber der Service war Tadellos und die Ersatzlieferung war sehr gut.Zum entgültigen Produkt oder Ergebnis kann ich leider noch nichts sagen.

    VonJ. G. Am 25/Mai/2023 :


    Anrede : Quick
    Kommentare : Took 3 days to germinate and is now in a happy home waiting for its final haircut. RQ seeds are my go to company of choice at the moment.

    VonV. P. Am 15/Mai/2023 :


    Anrede : Green420
    Kommentare : tried this strain several times, great indica kick

    VonC. M. Am 10/Mai/2023 :


    Anrede : Seeds are amazing
    Kommentare : Seeds are great, they all germinated and are growing strong. Would recommend 10/10

    VonD. M. Am 08/Mai/2023 :


    Anrede : So far so good
    Kommentare : 2 out of 3 germinated and growing well. Hopefully everything will go well.

    VonV. F. Am 28/Apr/2023 :


    Anrede : 100% Germination
    Kommentare : Soaked in water overnight and directly to soil under domes. Grew fantastic the first week until mice ate them down to the root

    VonB. D. Am 24/Apr/2023 :


    Anrede : Ben
    Kommentare : Au top bonne détente !!!

    VonT. G. Am 11/Apr/2023 :


    Anrede : Nice punch
    Kommentare : Good to relax before dinner

    VonM. A. Am 03/Apr/2023 :


    Anrede : Great strain!
    Kommentare : Seeds of highest quality! Healthy and vigorous! Absolute beasts!

    VonZ. K. Am 22/M�rz/2023 :


    Anrede : Perfect
    Kommentare : The most consistent flower i tried, among over 20, always a nice looking planet, perfect buds and dense like if tit's a feminized flower, like something you would get from a coffee shop, the most amazing smoke and high, simply perfect!

    VonI. R. Am 16/M�rz/2023 :


    Anrede : Purple Punch
    Kommentare : I once tried the feminized, this one is very easy to grow, I expected more color, but it's ok, not really my kind of plant

    VonR. T. Am 08/M�rz/2023 :


    Anrede : Perfect
    Kommentare : Pianta pure non nel periodo giusto ma fortunatamente è andato tutto come doveva andare, ottima

    VonT. V. Am 01/M�rz/2023 :


    Anrede : 420 OG
    Kommentare : The seeds are of good quality and look as big as peas. I hope that they will grow into a large and strong plant with a large amount of cones.

    VonD. E. Am 17/Feb/2023 :


    Anrede : My review
    Kommentare : Tried different styles, always 50% success rate on germination. Is it my fault...?

    VonR. F. Am 10/Jan/2023 :


    Anrede : Top class
    Kommentare : Amazing strain to grow and for autoflower some of the best I've grew yet well done RQS keep up the good work top class seeds /genetics

    VonL. M. Am 30/Dez/2022 :


    Anrede : Topper
    Kommentare : This plant is absolute delight. After 4 weeks of cure it showed whole terpene profile. Super tasty, and pleasure smoke. Sweet and fruity aromas are overwhelming. One of the best I tried

    VonN. B. Am 28/Dez/2022 :


    Anrede : Jiji
    Kommentare : Belle variété

    VonD. C. Am 19/Dez/2022 :


    Anrede : slow starter
    Kommentare : 2 out of 3 seeds came to life atfer 2 days ( coconut tablet, never failed on me, stays nice wet, and when the seedling reaches the bottom you put it in the final pot in pretty dry soil. This sucks the most of the water out of the coconut so the seedling does not get too much water the first days.) But this Purple baby didn't like it...the seed did nothing at all after 5 days. After a night in pure water ( 22°C ) The seed finally opened and I was able to help the little fighter out of his jacket. So don't give up to soon on this one, and germinate in water. Crazy big leaves.... larger than my hand for a plant that's 15 cm high. So be carefull with fans, they are very heavy for a very young and fragile seedling.

    VonL. M. Am 16/Dez/2022 :


    Anrede : Sativa molto sativa
    Kommentare : In questa pianta la componente sativa spicca moltoSe volete una pianta discreta credo che faccia per voiNon aspettatevi la produzione ad esempio però di una Northern light!Vi darò aggiornamenti

    VonS. S. Am 25/Nov/2022 :


    Anrede : Beautiful
    Kommentare : Really nice looking plant!

    VonM. L. Am 16/Nov/2022 :


    Anrede : Pulverisierer
    Kommentare : 3 von 3, perfekt+++gesund und stramm

    VonJ. L. Am 10/Nov/2022 :


    Anrede : Juergen
    Kommentare : the seeds take longer to germinate. Therefore I have buy them again because the product info is written for what I need.

    VonL. C. Am 08/Nov/2022 :


    Anrede : Purple punch
    Kommentare : Delivery time was way faster than expected, I'll definitely recommend this website to friends!

    VonG. D. Am 31/Okt/2022 :


    Anrede : Inicio Floração
    Kommentare : A entrar na floração, até agora tudo 5 estrelas

    VonV. K. Am 31/Okt/2022 :


    Anrede : Success!
    Kommentare : First of all, all seeds germinated. At first I was little suspicious with autoflowering plants, but I was told that they doesn´t need as much care and attention as their feminized counterparts do. Most of all, they do not need nutrients. I would say, that I used 1/10 of nutrients with these and they just kept growing. I learned that there is no need for specified light cycle, I used 14/10.Finally I got ab.300g/m2 with 600W SpNa, superb tasting bud. The best part is the relaxation, It might be the CBD who is talking there. I don´t care who is talking and where, but I can say that compared to fem counterparts, auto´s have a huge advantage in their need of care. They only want some water and some place where to grow. That´s it. 6/5. Try this one. It is worth of trying and at the same time it is saving money for your personal use. No need to buy lots of nutrients or expensive watering systems. This one is very resistant to everything. Relative good yield, no hassling with nutrients or ph, electricity bill is not huge and still very potent stuff. I love it.

    VonA. M. Am 19/Okt/2022 :


    Anrede : Ottima
    Kommentare : Ben bilanciata, ottima produzione, facile da coltivare

    VonF. K. Am 10/Okt/2022 :


    Anrede : Very nice strain
    Kommentare : grew under not so good conditions but still came out strong and had a powerful effect

    VonD. B. Am 06/Okt/2022 :


    Anrede : Bong
    Kommentare : Very good seeds super

    VonC. M. Am 05/Okt/2022 :


    Anrede : Great seeds
    Kommentare : All 3 seeds germinated well, very strong genetics, 2 weeks in and growing fast

    VonM. L. Am 28/Sept/2022 :


    Anrede : Grow2chill
    Kommentare : Top Strain! Da läuft alles genau nach Plan, die Beschreibung absolut verlässlich. Hab die Lady ziemlich genau nach 10 Wochen ernten können, knapp 50g trocken, schön glazy nur für den Namen mir persönlich nen tick zu wenig purple in den Buds. Geschmack als auch Wirkung zu 100% wie beschrieben.

    VonB. K. Am 22/Sept/2022 :


    Anrede : What an enjoyable experience
    Kommentare : from seedling to (almost) finished product. Reasonably easy to grow, responds well to LST, the smell is delicious and the taste even more so, very nice yield. Can recommend, 100%.

    VonT. D. Am 08/Sept/2022 :


    Anrede : Française
    Kommentare : Une purple punch de qualité assez puissante effet de folie je recommande gout de raisins tres tres bonne dans tout les aspect

    VonM. L. Am 22/Aug/2022 :


    Anrede : Purple
    Kommentare : Ain't use as yet but the shipping/delivery was fast.

    VonD. K. Am 16/Aug/2022 :


    Anrede : DJ
    Kommentare : So far So good. Planten doen en goed en ze ontkiemde bijna allemaal

    VonM. E. Am 09/Aug/2022 :


    Anrede : TIPTOP
    Kommentare : Sehr schöne Pflanze, wie immer von RQS, leider sind zwei Seeds nicht gekeimt, aber ich denke das war mein eigener Fehler.

    Du kannst keine Bewertung abgeben, da Du dieses Produkt nicht gekauft hast.

Rezensionen Purple Punch Auto  (Meinungen) (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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